A walk after dinner will make you thankful.
Brooke Rys RD, LD has been with MetaClinic since its inception and currently serves as a MetaClinic Certified Wellness Coach and Lifestyle Medicine Coach. Her 20+ years’ experience in healthcare include specialties in dialysis, clinical nutrition, and wellness.
Everyone loves a big meal with family and friends!
But instead of plopping on the couch afterward, why not try taking a short walk? The potential health benefits are substantial. Here are some of the many benefits that walking after a meal could provide:
Improved digestion
Better blood sugar levels
Possible weight loss
Reduce risk of heart attack
Lower blood pressure
Lower cholesterol
The US Dept of Health and Human Services recommends at least 30 minutes of moderate intensity exercise per week. Walking after a few meals each week (especially the one coming up a week from Thursday) is an easy way to improve your health!