Wake up and drink some water! (your body will love you for it)
Rise and shine sleepyhead… Hopefully you’ve gotten a good 7-8 hours of restful sleep. That’s exactly what you need. But while you were sleeping, your body went without any liquid intake, leaving you dehydrated.
Starting your day with a big glass of water (preferably room temp) delivers benefits like:
1. Hydration. Which leads to all sorts of good things.
2. Alertness. That glass of water gives you a burst of energy.
3. Immunity. Water helps rid your body of toxins, and protect you from germs.
4. Metabolism. Boosts your metabolic rate by about 25%, which can help with weight loss.
5. Skin and Hair. When they’re hydrated, they’re healthier.
6. Prevent Headaches. Lots of headaches are caused by dehydration.
There are many other benefits of drinking water in the morning. And while coffee is also fine, it doesn’t rehydrate as well as water. So drink your water first – boost your digestion, energy, and immune system – and then you can grab that cuppa Joe.
And then, get out there and attack the day!
If you are experiencing any symptoms of dehydration – fatigue, confusion, less frequent urination – call MetaClinic: 1-844-774-4325 to schedule an appointment ASAP.
(SOURCE: https://www.developgoodhabits.com/benefits-water-morning/)